Saturday morning I came to this Psalm in my regular Bible reading time. I am currently reading a psalm-a-day plus reading a chapter or two in Ephesians. I once again poured over this most beloved of psalms and found great refreshment. I remember thinking: whenever I get something very encouraging from scripture, God is sure to bring it to mind all during the following week, almost to emphasize it or underline it in my thinking.
Well, it didn't take long. Our dear friends the Barkers were here for the week-end, and the insurance man went to the store early Sunday morning for some more green beans. On his way home, he found himself listening to an old Lutheran preacher from the 1950's on the AM radio station ESPN (usually all sports, and at this time of year, all football!) The old preacher was dishing out some wonderful theology regarding, you guessed it, Psalm 23. The insurance man didn't know about my reading it the day before, so at breakfast he began to tell us of finding the unusual programming and what he had heard. We all chuckled when I said that the Lord had put the program there just for him to hear, and would probably bring Psalm 23 to mind some more.
We got to church, and almost the first thing in the service, Psalm 23 appeared on the screen, with our worship Pastor making some remarks on it and having us recite it. I got a few elbows in my ribs from both sides.
Last night as I crawled into bed, I thought: how can anyone NOT believe there is a God? His hand moves so very obviously in the everyday lives of people. His hand is there for all to see, in all our smallest details, quietly and wonderfully leading us in His paths of righteousness.