Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Old Books and Old Valentines

I am always attracted by anything old, and old books and old valentines are no exception. In a family sale after the death of John's Grandma Brown I found this wonderful old book "The Quiver of Love". The copyright is 1876, London.
Here is the flyleaf with a description of the contents...
There is a wonderful collection of old valentines in this book, most of which I have never read before. Here is a sample:
Come dance in the meadows,
The cowslips are there,
Nodding their heads
In the sweet scented air.
The bluebells make music
Which we cannot hear,
And play for the fairies,
Whose delicate ear
Can catch all the talk
Of each insect and flower:
They see in my eyes
Love increasing each hour."

There are beautiful full page illustrations from drawings by Kate Greenaway and Walter Crane that are just delightful.
Some famous love poems are also included like this:

"Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That hills and valleys, dale and field,
And all the craggy mountains yield...."

I put this book out on display every February and revel in love poetry.

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