Monday, December 27, 2010

White Moments



White is the color Christmas should be, at least for a breath of it- that space between the duty or demand and busy rush of the season. It should be quiet like new fallen snow. It should be blank and reflective for a moment, for one living moment.
But it is not. It is louder and brighter. The white moments don't seem to happen ironically, is over.
By Carol Blackwell

Carol wrote this at our last writer's group on December 20th. I asked permission to copy it here, and then after reading Julie's post it seemed appropriate to post it after Christmas. This is how it is for many of us...and yet it is so special that Julie found a way to rise above, thanks to the gift of our loving Savior. Here's wishing you some white moments this week. It's never too late.


Monica said...

What a beautiful picture!!

Anonymous said...

Love it !