Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Final photos from Julie's Trip

A last group of photos from Julie's visit...remembering it has been a lot of fun!
We drove to Burns to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa while Julie, Bronwyn and William were here. On Saturday, the men got up early and left for breakfast at the truck stop and a trip to the High Desert.
Meanwhile us girls went to the annual Cowbell Breakfast, which was a fun treat. Julie had not done this since childhood. The cowboy ranchers cook and serve the breakfast, consisting of a hearty beef steak, pancakes and eggs (with a shot of whiskey on the side : )
We went inside to eat, and Bronwyn is patiently waiting for her breakfast.
 Grandma is always happy to go and visit with her friends as well as enjoy the coffee.
We enjoyed a good day together, which also included the Burns Parade, and a visit to the Harney County Fair. The men got home later that day, and they arrived none the worse for wear, just a little dusty.
 The insurance man loves to visit the desert on the land of some friends, and was eager to take Will along.
 They had a good day, and were fairly successful. Always a good day in the insurance mans' book.

We all enjoyed a good church service on Sunday,
 and then a good family dinner together.
  One of the reasons Julie particularly wanted to visit on this trip, was the fact that Grandma and Grandpa were moving after 50+ years in the same house. She got to see the old house and show William, before they moved.

 Grandma and Grandpa were ready for a smaller house and a little more retired style of living at 93 and 92 years of age.
 They moved basically just around the corner later that month, and are very cozy in their new little home.
We all had such a good time together, and we were all glad that Julie could make it. BTW, Julie is due with her 9th child, a boy, in mid-January.
A trip back to the Portland airport, and a little time with sister Joy in Woodland, Washington before flying home for Bronwyn and Julie. Will stayed with us for an additional week before he too flew back to West Virginia. Such a treat to have him alone for a week with Grammie and Papa. It's quickly becoming a favorite memory.

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