Thursday, April 30, 2015

More Trip Photos

This is Julie.  I thought I'd contribute some pictures of my parents' recent visit to West Virginia.
Mom got to meet James.  :-)
 Group photos after church on Sunday.
We took a spontaneous hike/walk on the grounds at Friendship Hill.

The Gallatin House
Just enjoying conversation and being together.

The rest of my pictures are of what we centered the visit around:  construction of a dining room table for us.  I'll put up a post of pictures about that next.  

1 comment:

Jennie and Julie said...

Thanks for the photos! I like all of them, and it was nice for me to not have to take pics at Friendship Hill, but just enjoy the walk. JoAnn mentioned to me that I had spelled Jameson wrong on the previous post, so I corrected it and please forgive my forgetfulness! I like the photo of William and Bronwyn, but we still need one of Ben. Do you have any left that feature him?