Monday, September 21, 2009

Farmer's Market Goodness

A few weeks back I went to the local farmer's market and came home with an amazing array of fresh produce. My kids were ecstatic and wanted to take a picture. Afterwards I thought it would be fun to post it here and then do a series of posts about the things that I made from all of it. The only trouble is that my camera broke part way through. So, I have a few pictures to share, but it isn't exactly what I had intended. Above we have: regular and rainbow carrots, beets, cherry tomatoes, jalapenos, green onions, kale, fennel, leeks, apples, plums, peaches, pears, corn, cabbage, rhubarb, spinach, bell peppers, mixed salad greens, swiss chard and a huge head of celery. I love to cook and so these are the kinds of things I get pretty excited about.

A good deal of the produce was actually intended to become baby food. This is a mix of turnip, beets and carrots being boiled in preparation for puree.

Here is the actual puree, which although it tasted pretty good, didn't really compare with the enchiladas that the rest of us had for dinner.
This is one of my favorite meals. Very simple enchiladas with a a plain filling of chicken, cream cheese and onion, served with fresh salsa and homemade refried beans. I'm pretty sure that I'll be eating this in heaven.

The salsa was made from our homegrown tomatoes and red onions, along with the jalapeno from the market and cilantro from the store.


Anonymous said...

Yum Julie. I'll be over for the next meal

Jennie and Julie said...

Boy that made me want a bite! That close up photo made my mouth water. It looks just delicous. Thanks for sharing your bounty, Love Mom

Joy said...

I want to eat this!!!! Maybe someday when I ever get to come visit :)