Monday, January 11, 2010

January Cleaning

This is not MY clean house, but one I admire...

I, Jennie, sincerely appologize to those who have been watching in vain for a new blog post. Christmas, and then the following days just overwhelmed me with too many fun things to keep up with. Since New Year's, I have been struggling to creep out from under a huge pile of to-do's, and am just now seeing the light of day so to speak.

So, onward and upward in the dawn of a new decade. I am still here, and still busy, but feel like I am getting on top of things. One of the biggest things that needed doing was cleaning. I have been busy deep-cleaning everything I can find. I thought I was about to get it, and I still found a Christmas book for 2-year old Macy under something that I moved to vacuum under. We did have fun though....

I do love to clean. After the years of working and parenting, when I never had enough time to clean, it is a real joy to have the time now. I love the feeling of a thoroughly clean room, and always enjoy January when I can find more space again, and the peacefulness of clean, rightly-ordered rooms. May we all enjoy the process along with the results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are inspiring me Jennie. Thanks.