Wednesday, February 25, 2015

West Coast and East Coast Perspectives

So much in life depends on our perspective. Is it winter or is it spring? February has brought winter finally to Julie in West Virginia. Frigidly cold temperatures and snow and ice.

Here is her shoveled walkway from the car to the house. The trees are barren and the ground crunchy.

And the car must be left at the top of the driveway to make sure they can get out.
But....February has brought an extraordinarily early spring to Oregon on the opposite Coast. All day people have been phoning to say that they have blooming flowers. In Washington State where Joy lives, she says the daffodils and daphne are blooming. I have rhubarb and tulips up, and flower buds on the quince. And as you can plainly see, pussy willows a-plenty. What a great armload we harvested last Saturday. So for today, here's to winter and to spring and all the in-between days.
Pussy Willows
"Close your eyes
and do not peek,
and I'll rub Spring
across your cheek"
by Aileen Fisher

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