Friday, March 30, 2012

New Furniture

One of the things that usually goes along with a change of housing is major or minor adjustment to furnishings.  I've had a hard time getting this house fixed up to look nice because it's a slow process to search out and find the things that will be just right.  There's no real hurry, but I do want the house to be comfortable and enjoyable for all the family.  We acquired a couple of very helpful items recently.

Pictured above: 

1)One of two matching chairs (that recline!) for the living room.  They were a fortunate find and are *just* right because they fulfill a very practical purpose of providing more seating (much needed), as well as being attractive and comfortable.  (I'm smiling).   

2)A new (to us) piano!  We previously were using an old upright piano that we got for free.  It worked just fine for the boys to do their piano practice on, but was really too large for the living space in our new house and was so, so heavy to try to move here.  It took a while, but we finally found this little spinet piano for sale which was a more appropriate size and weight for where we're at now.  We're so happy to get it and after a tuning and some minor work on the keys, it's playing so beautifully. 

Though small in the grand scheme of things, these finds feel like quite a triumph to me right now!  I'm grateful for each provision from the Lord. 

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