Monday, May 6, 2013

Benjamin Charles Jones

 Here is Ben, who turned 10 years old while we were there. Here, he was trying on a hat that fit just right. Ben is a whirling dervish most of the time, and it's hard to get him to hold still long enough for a good photo.

 Out in the yard of the house we visited in Williamsburg, they had several fun colonial type children's games to try out. All the kids tried rolling the hoop, but Ben really picked it up and ran with it. He is naturally coordinated, and had a fun time making this go with a short stick in his hand.

 Ben went with some of the adults on a couple of tours along with Cecily. I think he keeps her in good order. This particular tour was supposed to be about horses, but here we found a baby lamb and her mama.

 On another tour, a 'garden tour', they did find some horses and enjoyed getting close enough to pet them. Both Ben and Cecily love farms and especially horses.

At Jamestown, Ben tried on some more period clothing, and this was the armor that the colonist soldiers would have put on, only child size. I think he would have done well living back then, and being very physical and taming the land. I really enjoyed going on the tours with Ben and he behaved so gentlemanly to the other people on the tour. He made us proud.

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