Saturday, April 25, 2009

Seasonal Clothing Shift

We're still in the clothing-switch phase. Every spring and every fall, life is full of CLOTHES as I get together everyone's wardrobe for the coming season. All of the clothes are gathered and ready and now we are in the part of the phase where we slowly remove those cold weather clothes and replace them with the warm weather clothes. I have also shifted storage around in the girls' room so that Cecily's clothes all have a place to reside. This little dresser in the closet was the inexpensive answer to my storage problem. The only trouble is that I had to take off the closet door in order to open the drawers. So...I'd like to know what you think. Should I get together a little curtain to cover this space or does it look just fine as it is? Everytime I see her little summer dresses hanging here, I smile. It's still not warm enough to wear them so they hang here in expectation and a constant reminder of the good warm weather that's coming. Lots of seersucker and smocking should make for cute summer pictures.


Lora said...

I think the closet looks fine without the door on it. But, you could always hang up a cute little curtain there too if you don't like to see the inside of the closet all the time. Maybe a cute girly one? Joshua and Jorie share a closet and it's a TIGHT squeeze in there w/ all the clothes. We too have a storage unit on the floor of the closet. But, it's much smaller. It's just big enough to hold Jorie's socks, tights and underwear. :)

Jennie and Julie said...

Mom votes for leaving it as it is. I think it looks cute, as long as it doesn't get messy. Seeing the little dresses hanging up is sweet. That dresser looks just like the one we had for JoAnn and she still has it.

Monica said...

I also vote for no curtains. Those little dresses are so cute; and the dresser also looks very cute with the things you have on top of it. The cuteness factor of the dresses far outweighs a curtain in my opinion.

Peter Jones said...

Thank you for the input! I had fun reading your comments. :-)