Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Birds' Favorite Wreath

Last year I bought a wreath just to hang up at Easter time in the front of the house. Very shortly after I hung it last year, a robin began to bring grasses and other nesting materials and place them inside of it. I thought it over and decided I really didn't want a nest there, so I removed the debris as soon as I saw it there. The bird gave up pretty quickly.
The next chapter in this story: I hung up the wreath in time for Easter this year and the very same day a robin picked it out and got busy before I even knew what was happening. This robin even fooled me a bit. Instead of building the nest inside of the wreath, she did it on top. By the time I discovered it up there, it was nearly done and knowing that my kids would love the chance to observe some baby birds, I decided to leave it alone. You can just see it peeking out up there on top.
Ta-da! Complete with three beautiful, blue eggs.

It turns out that it's just too close to our front door. Mother Robin got scared a couple of times when we came out and we think she may have abandoned her nest. I guess I'll know for next year. Pretty little nest, though, isn't it?

1 comment:

Jennie and Julie said...

Oh, the eggs are just precious. That color of blue can really only be found on robins' eggs...I guess that's why they call it 'robins egg blue'. Your wreath looks pretty with the next on top too. Too bad mama abandoned it, it would have been fun to see the babies.