My daughters and I love pumpkin everything...bars, dessert, quick bread, pancakes, cheesecake, lattes and most especially pie! We are traveling to Seattle this Thanksgiving, and fortunately asked to bring the pumpkin pies. I made them up on Tuesday as our travel day will be Wednesday. It's hard to wait to taste them. The leaves I made out of the pastry scraps, and was exited to see this morning that they had curled at the tips....just like real dried leaves would do, an added delight.
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O my God"
I like the leaves on the pies. Did you just shape them yourself, or use a cookie cutter? They look delicious!!
Hi Monica-
I just free-handed the leaves...looking at some I picked up outside. I added a center 'stem' and it was super easy. They were yummy...and are just history now. Hope yours was a happy Thanksgiving.
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